
It’s 2023: Time to Read!

As 2023 rolls onward, Raymond has some NEWS! FIRST, Raymond appears in the anthology, THRILLING ADVENTURE YARNS 2022, an anthology of pulp, fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, horror, and plain ol’ awesome short stories by 28 fantastic authors (plus illustrations!). It contains Raymond’s tale, “SEA PEOPLE.” Robert Greenberger is the editor and producer/overseer, and the authors include … Read more


Raymond Benson Plays Piano

As the year 2021 rolls forward, Raymond would like to share with you some items of interest. FIRST, Raymond’s ghost story novel, HOTEL DESTINY–A Ghost Noir, was published in September 2020 by Crossroad Press, and is available as an e-book, trade paperback, and a spectacular audiobook from Audible. WHAT IF YOU, AS A GHOST, HAD … Read more