Raymond’s first James Bond novel, ZERO MINUS TEN, returns in print in the UK!
On August 12, 2023, Ian Fleming Publications Ltd. announced the publication of new editions of three classic James Bond continuation novels, including Raymond’s 1997 debut 007 adventure, ZERO MINUS TEN (the others being Kingsley Amis’ COLONEL SUN and John Pearson’s JAMES BOND: THE AUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY).
The new edition, to be published October 5, will feature a new cover and a new Introduction by Raymond.
Copies may be pre-ordered from Ian Fleming Publications. Go to the James Bond Books Page for links to order a SIGNED edition or the Standard edition.

Subscribe to Raymond’s YouTube Channel to see and hear his eclectic repertoire of 100+ classic rock, movie music, and original compositions on piano!
OF COURSE, many of Raymond’s previous books go on sale as e-books at various times. It’s always best to follow Raymond’s Facebook and Twitter posts to take advantage of these sales. In the meantime, his recent novels like THE MAD, MAD MURDERS OF MARIGOLD WAY (winner of the IPPY Gold Medal in Mystery from the Independent Publisher Book Awards!), BLUES IN THE DARK, IN THE HUSH OF THE NIGHT, THE SECRETS ON CHICORY LANE, HOTEL DESTINY: A GHOST NOIR, and the five-book serial, THE BLACK STILETTO, are all still available. Find them on the Books pages (James Bond; The Black Stiletto; Fiction & Non-Fiction; Tie-Ins)!