
Short Story Thriller “The MacGuffin” Now Available!

A new short story is now available as an exclusive e-book for Amazon Kindle readers for only 99 cents! “The MacGuffin” is a darkly comic action thriller (originally serialized by in 2016 as “The Purple Bag”). Wikipedia defines a MacGuffin as “a plot device in the form of some goal, desired object, or other motivator that the protagonist pursues, often with little or no narrative explanation.” In this case, the MacGuffin is a purple bag recovered from an airport baggage claim. The CIA, MI6, Middle Eastern operatives, Japanese Intelligence, and the Mafia all want it… but does anyone really know what’s inside? One thing is clear–whoever’s in possession of it won’t have very long to live.

Order it today!… Scroll down to the Short Stories category on the Books/Fiction & Non-Fiction Page!